Hello! My name is Luna. I am a sophomore in college and am also a psychology major with a minor in anthropology (sociocultural if you want specifics). I plan to develop a career in either sociocultural research or be a clinical psychologist and provide therapy for clients. I really enjoy reading and drawing, especially fantasy characters and fantasy books.
Here is a picture of myself:
The artwork I chose is the Hagia Triada sarcophagus from 1400 B.C.E, and is thought to be a part of a burial ritual for the Minoan society. What drew me to this piece of art was that as of 2020, we still know very little about the Minoan society in regards to their rituals. While examining the sarcophagus, I noticed that no area of the sarcophagus was left blank. Each area on it had design even if it wasn't a full painted scene. I also found the painted scenes on the sarcophagus very interesting, on one side there were three men carrying what could possibly be gifts or sacrifices to the dead man, and on the left side of this scene is two women and a man carrying out a libation ritual. This painting seemed to be similar to common Egyptian paintings which grabbed my attention because of how similar their art style is but how little we know about the Minoan's compared to what we know about Ancient Egyptian society.